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IQ or EQ: Which is more important?

IQ or EQ: I pray for the right balance

I pray fervently that I've have average IQ and high EQ
While experts are still deciding which quality is more important
And many individuals affected by it all are ignorant
Chasing after material gains and lesser goals in life

I pray to have average IQ because I feel
That climbing the knowledge tree is important to my career
But a high EQ provides me with the ballast
To lead a life with a frame of mind that is healthy

I pray to have average IQ because I know
Some intelligence is needed to give of my best at work
But a high EQ gives me the courage
To recognize when I'm overwork and to look for the right balance

I pray to have average IQ because I am aware
The ability to communicate is one part of intelligence
But a high EQ lets me know when it's time to shut up
To keep an open mind, listen and register inputs from others

I pray to have average IQ because I'm sure
Being articulate is crucial to put across ideas in work
But a high EQ will forewarn me
Against making insensitive or galling remarks

I pray to have average IQ because I understand
Logical thinking is important to reach my work goals
But a high EQ will build the foundation
To make decisions that encompass empathy and understanding

I pray to have average IQ because it is known
That being calculative is a critical for a successful career
But a high EQ equips me
With the foresight to seek win-win solutions for all parties

I pray to have average IQ because I am aware
Intelligence is a catalyst that can speed up careers
But a high EQ is a potent force
That equips one for real success in both life and career

An idea for alternative form of payment for services

Appreciation, or the lack of it, is an issue that merits reviewing in all quarters. Seen any which way, we certainly do not show enough appreciation. When was the last time you did that? I mean, not doing it perfunctorily, but sincerely thanked a person because you were happy with a product or service provided.

Which brings to mind .... today is as good a time as any to really think about using appreciation as a "form" of payment. In the world today, where everything is translated into dollars and cents, many people fail to appreciate anything that does not have value.

Talk about work. It is a fact of life, there must be monetary value attached to it. Would you work for free? Art? Well, who would buy and keep a piece of art, if not for the perceived market value. How many investors actually buy a piece of art because they really appreciate it? Come on, be honest about it.

As a writer, I'd like to be able to tell a prospect, "What will it cost you ... well, your appreciation is reward enough for me." To be able to do that requires all of us to change our mindset. True, that's not an easy thing to do. But who's to say it can't be done?

Afterall, an office or a factory was considered as essential in order to make a living.. Already, in some offices, the work table is not assigned permanently to an employee.

And with telecommuting and the likes, there are people actually working from home.

And of course, the practical minded would inevitably pose this question: "What about the money we need to get through a day?" Perish that thought. Put away all conventional thinking for the time being.

Now, think of a different sort of world, a better world, that we can all help create. One that does not think in terms of money. Wouldn't it be good and nice, if our objective in a day is to accumulate lots and lots of appreciation? Wouldn't employers and clients be much happier, if their business costs for a week amounted to 6500 sincere appreciations handed out?

All the work places would be much more cheerful and satisfying all-round, when we don't expect monetary payment. Imagine being swamped with more appreciation than you could handle on a working day! Isn't that a nice thought? Of course, this assumes that you are providing more than a satisfactory service, or a product that is really useful or valuable to your customers.

Given this new world order, imagine what every working day will like, anticipating the voluminous appreciations that are forthcoming from our peers, our clients, or our employers. It doesn't matter what one does - whether one is a production worker in a factory, a sales staff at a retail outlet, or a person providing a professional service.

Conscientious employees, hardworking workers and earnest professionals will certainly find it easier to get through a work day. Even look forward to a working day! And meetings will be a lot nicer to attend, when everyone is showing their appreciation around the table.

In this new work culture, a very big "thank you" from a satisfied client, supervisor or fellow worker will certainly be worth its weight in gold. For example, consider that we get to keep the tons of appreciation. What would I do with the heaps of appreciation from clients? Why, I'll collect them all in a biscuit tin, or some container of sorts, take them to the store where I want to buy a product or service. I can use some of the appreciation collected to exchange for products and services I need.

I'd show my appreciation by thanking the sales assistant most profusely for the good service and displays that prompted me to buy that well designed and well-made toaster. He can shower the distributor with his appreciation. The distributor can show his appreciation to the manufacturer, whose supervisors can praise the respective groups of workers for a job well done. These workers can do likewise to the operators of their neighbourhood shops.

We'll all end up being jolly, and maybe, occasionally find someone drowning in a sea of appreciation. Now, wouldn't that be nice?

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